Multi Media
Watch Mike
on Fox News:

This video clip was filmed at Workout World in Waltham Massachusetts.

At the time, I was training a special woman--A breast cancer survivor with relentless drive.

We were honored when we were asked to be on TV and explain how we met and how weight training has helped her cope with this devastating affliction.
The Zone Diet
(Part 1)

The inception of this diet was in 1995, and at that time, nutritionists dismissed it as just another fad diet.

Many years have passed, and it is still around and many researchers have substantiated the validity of a low glycemic load diet which the Zone essentially is.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Barry Sears in April of 2008.

In part 1, he explains the basics of the Zone Diet.

A typical day of food on the Zone Diet.

The Zone Diet
(Part 2)

In this second part of the interview I conducted with Dr. Sears, he talks about the powerful role of hormones and their effects on weight loss, satiety, and health.

Learn your protein requirements.

Fat does not make you fat!!!

It's the hormone Insulin that makes you fat.

The difference between the Atkins, South Beach and The Zone Diet.

The Zone Diet
(Part 3)

In this third part of the interview I conducted with Dr. Sears, he dismisses the concept that "A calorie is a calorie" It's not that simple and it's NOT just about decreasing calories to lose weight.

He elaborates on the different hormonal consequences that occur when consuming fats, carbs, and proteins and their effects on health and weight control.

The Zone Diet
(Part 4)

In this fourth part of the interview I conducted with Dr. Sears,he discusses the nutritional strategies for the endurance and strength athletes.

It is not about carbohydrate loading but INSTEAD FAT loading.

He also discusses in this clip, SILENT INFLAMMATION.

The Zone Diet
(Part 5)

In this fifth part of the interview I conducted with Dr. Sears,he discusses Omega 3 oils.

What Omega 3 oii is better: 
the marine based fish oil or the plant based flaxseed oil.

Find out a simple test
(you can do at home)
to determine if your fish oil is of a pharmaceutical grade.

The Zone Diet
(Part 6)

Closing thoughts.

Contact information.

The Evolution of Personal Training  (Part 1). . .

Depicts the history of Personal Training and how the goal of the average person joining a Health Club has markedly changed.

In the 1960's and 1970's, gyms consisted mostly of men who were bodybuilders and powerlifters.

Today, many individuals do not necessarily want to attain huge muscles but have a different agenda--improve balance, increase core stability, increase bone density, improve posture and the list goes on and on.
The Evolution of Personal Training  (Part 2). . .

Depicts the history of Personal Training and how the goal of the average person joining a Health Club has markedly changed.

Fitness Professionals have the ability to determine what a client needs based on a comprehensive fitness assessment. 

The Assessemnt is designed to detect muscle imbalances, and postural deficits that have the potential to prevent injury.

The Evolution of Personal Training  (Part 3). . .

Watch Michael Sylvester, LPTA, conduct a postural assessment which detects muscle imbalances and offers suggestions for correcting such imbalances.

The Evolution of Personal Training  (Part 4). . .

Watch Michael Sylvester, LPTA, continue to conduct a postural assessment which detects muscle imbalances and offers suggestions for correcting such imbalances.

Watch and listen to
Michael  define
what the "core" is.

The Evolution of Personal Training  (Part 5). . .

This is the last segment.

Closing Comments.

The Basics of Kettlebell Training (Part 1). . .

This Video depicts the 4 basic movements of kettlebell lifting.

It's essential that the beginner master these basic moves first before attempting the more ballistic movements such as the clean and jerk.

The Basics of Kettlebell Training (Part 2). . .

This Video depicts the 4 basic movements of kettlebell lifting.

It's essential that the beginner master these basic moves first before attempting the more ballistic movements such as the clean and jerk.

Toxic Fat (Part 1)

Dr. Barry Sears (Author of the Zone Diet) has a new book "Toxic Fat--When Good Fat Turns Bad". Watch the interview I conducted  as I ask probing questions regarding why Dr. Sears believes
Obesity is a Cancer
Why Eating Less, Exercising More May Not Work!!!

Toxic Fat (Part 2)

In Part 2, Dr. Sears explains what he calls the
"Perfect Nutritional Storm".

He also talks about the "bad" oils we overconsume, which can lead to toxic fat.

Lastly, he explains
"The Fat Trap",
a truly revolutionary concept!!!!

Toxic Fat (Part 3)

Do overweight individuals
live longer?

Can some extra bodyfat
be healthy?

Watch, listen, and learn as
Dr. Sears pulls the rug out from conventional nutritional wisdom.
Toxic Fat (Part 4)

Find out why Dr. Sears states in his book that


is not an effective strategy for many obese individuals.
Toxic Fat (Part 5)

This is the end of the first half of the interview I conducted with Dr. Sears.

Part 6 we continued our discussion on his book
"Toxic Fat".
Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebells are making a comeback to the gyms.

I met Fabiana O'Brien at Gold's Gym in Ashland, Massachusetts and decided to have her on my show. She proved to be outstanding.

In this video, she explains the Kettlebell Swing. This movement  is a total body exercise that strengthens your core as well as your entire lower body. If done for a prolonged period of time, it really challenges your cardiovascular endurance.
Kettlebell Clean

In this video, Fabiana explains the Kettlebell Clean. This movement  is a total body exercise that strengthens your core as well as your entire lower body. When performed correctly, it also works on scapula (shoulder blade) stabilization.
The "Crazy 8" Fifteen Minute Strength Challenge
(Part 2)

Take the 15 Minute Core Stability Challenge. It involves performing 3 exercises that will challenge not only your strength, but also your core stability, balance and will. Perform 8 reps of each of the
3 exercise (with no rest between). Repeat 4 times.

Try to complete in 15 minutes. This is one intense workout.

This program was designed by Dorian Brito, C.S.C.S.and appeared in Men's Health.

The "Crazy 8" Fifteen Minute Strength Challenge
(Part 1)

Take the 15 Minute Core Stability Challenge. It involves performing 3 exercises that will challenge not only your strength, but also your core stability, balance and will. Perform 8 reps of each of the
3 exercise (with no rest between). Repeat 4 times.

Try to complete in 15 minutes. This is one intense workout.

This program was designed by Dorian Brito, C.S.C.S.and appeared in Men's Health.

The "Crazy 8" Fifteen Minute Strength Challenge
(Part 3)

Take the 15 Minute Core Stability Challenge. It involves performing 3 exercises that will challenge not only your strength, but also your core stability, balance and will. Perform 8 reps of each of the
3 exercise (with no rest between). Repeat 4 times.

Try to complete in 15 minutes. This is one intense workout.

This program was designed by Dorian Brito, C.S.C.S.and appeared in Men's Health.

CliThe Pitfalls of The Atkins Diet
(Part 1)
Listen to Michael Sylvester  explain in detail why the Atkins Diet is NOT a healthy long term dieting strategy.

The Atkins Diet is what physicians refer to as a polyuremic diet, which basically means you lose a lot of water on this diet.
Listen to Michael Sylvester explain in detail why the Atkins Diet is NOT a healthy long term dieting strategy.

In Part 2, Michael continues the issues associated with this diet, mainly that you can potentially  lose muscle mass (the tissue that helps you burn calories
and maintain a healthy metabolism).

Incidentally, when you lose water, you are more prone to dehydration on this type of diet. Buyer Beware!!!!
The Pitfalls of
The Atkins Diet
(Part 2)
Can You Lose Weight
without Aerobic Exercise?
Listen to Michael Sylvester break the bonds of traditionalism regarding the accepted standard of aerobic exercise .

Can you lose weight without doing any aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise?
"Fat Burning Zone"--
Fact or Fiction?
This video sets the record straight regarding the so called "Fat Burning Zone".